目前,醫科達的業務範圍涉及120多個國家和地區,先進技術和創新解決方案應用于全球6,000多家醫療機構,每天爲超過10萬名患者提供診斷和治療服務。醫科達提供放(fàng)射治療全系列解決方案,包括:腫瘤放(fàng)射治療系統(醫用直線加速器)、高場強磁共振放(fàng)療系統、立體(tǐ)定向神經外(wài)科解決方案、近距離(lí)放(fàng)射治療解決方案、MOSAIQ®腫瘤信息管理系統及Monaco®治療計劃系統、Elekta CareTM 全方位售後服務。
其中(zhōng)高場強導磁共振放(fàng)療系統(Elekta Unity)是腫瘤治療領域的一(yī)大(dà)科技創舉,将診斷級高場強磁共振與精準放(fàng)療創新性地整合一(yī)起,開(kāi)啓腫瘤精準放(fàng)射治療的新篇章。目前,4台新設備已投入臨床使用,已賣出32台設備。醫科達預計其将成爲精準放(fàng)療的的新标杆,市場規模将在3,000至4,000台。
Elekta, a global leader in medical radiotherapy and neurosurgery, was incorporated in 1972 and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Founded by the Swedish professor of neurosurgery who invented the first Gamma Knife in human history, it is an international company specializing in radiotherapy solutions for cancer care and brain disorders. Adhering to the philosophy of "Focus where it matters", Elekta continues to lead the industrial development through sustaining innovation in medical technology, and is committed to globally accessible, precise, intelligent and efficient radiation therapy solutions and oncology information management system to improve, prolong and save patients' lives. One-fifth of the employees of Elekta are engaged in research and development. Elekta has invested a total of SEK 6 billion in precision radiation medicine R&D in the past five years. At present, the company's business covers over 120 countries and regions, with advanced technologies and innovative solutions applied in over 6,000 medical institutions around the world, providing diagnosis and treatment services for over 100,000 patients every day.